261 Quotes by Leonard Ravenhill

  • Author Leonard Ravenhill
  • Quote

    Preacher brethren, this is the time to blush that we have no shame, the time to weep for our lack of tears, the time to bend low that we have lost the humble touch of servants, the time to groan that we have no burden, the time to be angry with ourselves that we have no anger over the devil’s monopoly in this ‘‘end time’’ hour, the time to chastise ourselves that the world can so easily get along with us and not attempt to chastise us.

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  • Author Leonard Ravenhill
  • Quote

    Testimonies are wonderful. But, so often our lives don’t fit our testimonies.

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  • Author Leonard Ravenhill
  • Quote

    We are not Protestants any more – just ‘‘non-Catholics’’! Of what and of whom do we protest? Were we half as hot as we think we are, and a tenth as powerful as we say we are, our Christians would be baptized in blood, as well as in water and in fire.

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  • Author Leonard Ravenhill
  • Quote

    Easy believeism dishonors the blood and prostitutes the altar. We must alter the altar, for the altar is a place to die on. Let those who will not pay this price leave it alone!

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  • Author Leonard Ravenhill
  • Quote

    Oh! my ministering brethren! Much of our praying is but giving God advice! Our praying is discolored with ambition, either for ourselves or for our denomination. Perish the thought! Our goal must be God alone. It is His honor that is sullied, His blessed Son who is ignored, His laws broken, His name profaned, His Book forgotten, His house made a circus of social efforts.

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