64 Quotes by Leonid Andreyev
- Author Leonid Andreyev
Rome fell silently to ruins. A New city rose in its place, and it was too erased by emptiness. Like phantom Giants, cities, kingdoms, and countries swiftly fell and disappeared into emptiness-- swallowed up in the black maw of the Infinite
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- Author Leonid Andreyev
But in the dark everything was unnatural; the silence and the darkness were in themselves something like death.
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- Author Leonid Andreyev
But there is no calm soul in Russia.
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- Author Leonid Andreyev
But for a long time, altogether unnoticed by his comrades, there had ripened in his soul a dark contempt for mankind; contempt mingled with despair and painful, almost deadly fatigue.
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- Author Leonid Andreyev
The truth of life stands aghast in silence, and its brazen falsehood is loudly shouting, uttering pressing, painful questions: “With whom shall I sympathize? Whom shall I trust? Whom shall I love?
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- Author Leonid Andreyev
The curtain which through eternity has hidden the mystery of life and the mystery of death was pushed aside by a sacrilegious hand, and the mysteries ceased to be mysteries—yet they remained incomprehensible, like the Truth written in a foreign tongue.
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- Author Leonid Andreyev
It seemed to him that he was walking along the highest mountain-ridge, which was narrow like the blade of a knife, and on one side he saw Life, on the other side—Death,—like two sparkling, deep, beautiful seas, blending in one boundless, broad surface at the horizon.
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- Author Leonid Andreyev
Life and Death moved simultaneously, and until the very end Life remained life, to the most ridiculous and insipid trifles.
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- Author Leonid Andreyev
And he was tortured not by the fact that Death was visible, but that both Life and Death were visible at the same time.
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