37 Quotes by Leviak B. Kelly

  • Author Leviak B. Kelly
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    We can not, therefore, reserve as sacred anything that is not truth and yet we cannot turn from things of truth have inspired us in our everyday lives. We must merely embrace both hard and soft truths that must not be avoided. This does not mean we can reserve for ourselves the right to be self-righteous nor call others self-righteous simply because they disagree with us.

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  • Author Leviak B. Kelly
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    This is why questions must be asked and answered truthfully and why we must train our emotions to coincide with what is actually true. Doubt is a necessary part of faith, otherwise it is a blind faith and a deaf faith that deserves to be a mute faith. For, when Helen Keller, who was deaf, blind and had to learn to speak can come closer to the truth than persons with full sensory capacity, perhaps there is something wrong with our religious and spiritual traditions.

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  • Author Leviak B. Kelly
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    The notion must be put aside that emotions are irrational and we must see emotions for their true function. This will not rob the emotional content, it will merely explain it. Some things when more deeply explained provide greater sources of personal and corporate pleasure, not less.

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  • Author Leviak B. Kelly
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    If you can put this book down, it means you need more coffee and less sleep. After all, sleep is for the weak which is why I get 8 hours every night and 2 hours during the day and drink de-cafe.

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  • Author Leviak B. Kelly
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    But a question needs to be asked, a basic logical scientific question. It is simply this, has anyone applied Ockham's Razor to the question yet?

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  • Author Leviak B. Kelly
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    This is the strange thing about life, when people are confronted, they all say that the truth is what they want but when the truth disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse that only wants to destroy civilization.

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  • Author Leviak B. Kelly
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    If ... you are looking for a large dose of truth with some all too human foibles and faults and long nights of coffee drenched brains and frequent trips to the bathroom then this book is for you.

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  • Author Leviak B. Kelly
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    If you are looking for a hate book you have come to the wrong place here. This book may be full of fact and discussion and even argument but it is out of concern, a concern that is not subject to some group partisan issues. It has opinion as well and this is most certainly what many critics will call many things in this book to the point that there will be whole essays of review that are just diatribes of psychological issues on both sides.

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