169 Quotes by Lewis Mumford

  • Author Lewis Mumford
  • Quote

    That technics has often lagged behind culture, that the efficiency of the assembly line, for example, might be, humanly speaking, a mark of social backwardness, seems never to have occurred to the exponents of unqualified technological progress.

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  • Author Lewis Mumford
  • Quote

    Idealism and science continue to function in separate compartments; and yet ‘the happiness of man on earth’ depends upon their combination.

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  • Author Lewis Mumford
  • Quote

    Unfortunately, once an economy is geared to expansion, the means rapidly turn into an end and “the going becomes the goal.”

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  • Author Lewis Mumford
  • Quote

    Today, the notion of progress in a single line without goal or limit seems perhaps the most parochial notion of a very parochial century.

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  • Author Lewis Mumford
  • Quote

    Moment to moment, it turns out, is not God’s conception, or nature’s. It is man conversing with himself about and through a piece of machinery he created.“We effectively became “time-keepers, and then time-savers, and now time-servers” with the invention of the clock.”

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  • Author Lewis Mumford
  • Quote

    Nothing is unthinkable, nothing impossible to the balanced person, provided it comes out of the needs of life and is dedicated to life’s further development.

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  • Author Lewis Mumford
  • Quote

    I would die happy if I knew that on my tombstone could be written these words, “This man was an absolute fool. None of the disastrous things that he reluctantly predicted ever came to pass!”

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  • Author Lewis Mumford
  • Quote

    As for the various kinds of montage photography, they are in reality not photography at all but a kind of painting in which photography is used – as pastiches of textiles are used in crazy-quilts – to form a mosaic. Whatever value the montage may have derives from painting rather than the camera.

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