909 Quotes by Libba Bray

  • Author Libba Bray
  • Quote

    He loved her. Was in love with her. Had always loved her. And it seemed that she loved him, too. It was funny how the world could change on a dime like that. One minute, you were some poor chump pining after a girl you thought didn’t feel the same way about you, and the next, you were lying together, arms entwined, chest to chest, so close you could feel her heartbeat under her soft skin. You were looking into her eyes and seeing your whole future written there.

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  • Author Libba Bray
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    Alliteration. It’s when you repeat the same consonant in a phrase,” Memphis explained. “Huh. I was hoping it was something dirty.

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  • Author Libba Bray
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    What I can’t figure out is why you gotta make yourself crackers trying to be somebody you can’t ever be instead of just letting yourself be the one and only Evie O’Neill.

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  • Author Libba Bray
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    If I have to look through one more of these, I’m throwing myself off that balcony,” he moaned. “Let me know if you need help,” Jericho said.

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  • Author Libba Bray
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    Grinning, he grabbed his fisherman’s cap and coat. “I love you,” he whispered quietly. “Ikh hob dikh lib.” He kissed Evie’s head. She rustled in her sleep, turning away. “Fine. I see how it is. I just wasted my best Yiddish on you,” Sam joked to himself.

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  • Author Libba Bray
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    With a satisfied groan, Sam leaned back against his chair, his hands on his protruding gut. “Ling. How would your mother feel about a Jewish son-in-law?

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  • Author Libba Bray
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    Aww, Sheba. So you’re working for Evie. Honestly, who isn’t working for himself in this meshuga world? Some people just hide it better than others.

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  • Author Libba Bray
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    I’ll be counting the cats when I come over. There better be the same number each time.

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  • Author Libba Bray
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    Tell me, do you have family near?” Miss Addie asked. “I’m an orphan,” Theta said. “You’re wrong.” The old woman blinked up at the ceiling, her fingers waving in the air. “You do have family. I see it in your aura. They’re… they’re all around you.

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