142 Quotes by Lidia Yuknavitch

  • Author Lidia Yuknavitch
  • Quote

    When you bleed, this word is more powerful than any word you could ever speak. It is a blood word. It binds you to animals and trees and the moon and the sun. Where men take blood in the world in hunting and war, women give blood. It is the word ne because it closes the room of a woman’s body to men.

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  • Author Lidia Yuknavitch
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    Remember parts of your body are scattered in water all over the earth. Know land is made from you.

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  • Author Lidia Yuknavitch
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    I thought of Shakespearean chiasmus. A chiasmus in language is a crisscross structure. A doubling back sentence. A doubling of meaning. My favorite is “love’s fire heats water, water cools not love.” As a motif, a chiasmus is a world within a world where transformation is possible. In the green world events and actions lose their origins. Like in dreams. Time loses itself. The impossible happens as if it were ordinary. First meanings are undone and remade by second meanings.

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  • Author Lidia Yuknavitch
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    We can’t handle violence in women characters but we CAN handle what’s done to women in our present tense every second of the day worldwide? Or next door? Or in political or medical discourse? Please. That idea just makes me want to crap on a table at a very fancy restaurant.

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  • Author Lidia Yuknavitch
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    The memoir as a somewhat indistinct form is absolutely true. So many of the memoirs I’ve read, and the ones I have gravitated toward most, somehow upend what I expect from memoir and the project seems greater than just the exposition of a life.

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  • Author Lidia Yuknavitch
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    Women live their lives secretly waiting for their lives to become movies. We act like men are the ones shallow enough to desire an unending stream of beautiful women but really, if a charismatic narcissist beautiful bad boy man actually desires us, seems to choose us, we go to pieces.

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  • Author Lidia Yuknavitch
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    Underneath the forms of fiction and poetry, you can bet your ass the ground comes from someone’s actual life experience.

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