199 Quotes by Liev Schreiber
"If I'm doing my job as an actor, the audience knows everything I know about the character."
"I really don't think there is anybody in the business with better eyes than Elijah Wood."
"There's something cathartic about swearing 150 times after spending ten hours in the editing room."
"I was a writer. I just wasn't a very good one. I was lucky enough to have a playwriting teacher who told me that I'd be a better actor than I would a playwright."
"I'm drawn to people who share that sense of loss. All actors are trying to repair damaged relationships. I think that might be why I've been drawn to other actors."
"And you know, I hate to admit this, but I don't always think in terms of Shakespeare. When I eat, I do. When I'm at a restaurant, I'll think, 'Hmm, what would Macbeth have ordered?'"
"I really do think that if you're doing your job right, you're never gonna be what the other actor was, but you can be influenced by his intelligence and his choices."