158 Quotes by Lily King

  • Author Lily King
  • Quote

    Fitzgerald said that the sign of genius is being able to hold two contradictory ideas in your head at the same time. But what if you hold two contradictory fears? Are you still some kind of a genius?

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  • Author Lily King
  • Quote

    I’ll miss them when they take flight. I won’t be there. Their fast excited chatter, their wings finally spread wide, their feet tucking in behind them. Wheels up. I’ll miss it. I’ll be in class or at my desk or in bed when they cut across the sky.

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  • Author Lily King
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    Narrative is the way to communicate ideas. Philosophy just tastes bad to most people unless you wrap it up in a good story.

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  • Author Lily King
  • Quote

    My mind has circled back again to that conversation with Helen on the steps of Schermerhorn about how each culture has a flavor. What she said that night comes back to me at least once a day. Have I ever said anything to anyone that has come back once a day for 8 years?

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  • Author Lily King
  • Quote

    Experience, contrary to common belief, is mostly imagination. – Ruth Benedict.

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  • Author Lily King
  • Quote

    But he did not believe ordinary citizens created art. True art was anomalous; it was a rare mutation. It didn’t happen simply because one willed it so. He thought it an utter and exasperating waste of an ordinary man’s time.

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  • Author Lily King
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    I know you are drunk on youth and immortality, but this is how you die.

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  • Author Lily King
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    Funny how when you have a purpose the misery goes and hides.

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