158 Quotes by Lily King

  • Author Lily King
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    The Irish essayist has us close our eyes and listen to the words she says without trying to control our thoughts. I keep mine open a crack, to scan the packed room. He’s not here. ‘A rainy day,’ she says. My mother and me running from the Mustang to the house. ‘The sound of a musical instrument.’ Caleb playing the guitar. ‘An act of love.’ My father cleaning my golf clubs in the kitchen sink. She has us write about one of these moments that come up unbidden, unforced.

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  • Author Lily King
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    The impulse to touch her and all the life in her was something I had to check regularly.

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  • Author Lily King
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    I held her as she wept. I stroked her hair, loose and slightly matted. ‘Stay here with me. Or let me come with you.’ She pulled me down to kiss her. Warm. Briny. ‘I love you,’ she said, her lips still against mine. But it meant no.

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  • Author Lily King
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    I stopped having expectations about achieving anything long ago.

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  • Author Lily King
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    I’m both the sad person and the person wanting to comfort the sad person.

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  • Author Lily King
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    I can tell he lost someone close somehow. You can feel that in people, an openness, or maybe it’s an opening that you’re talking into. With other people, people who haven’t been through something like that, you feel the solid wall. Your words go scattershot off of it.

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  • Author Lily King
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    The stale cerebral self-conscious wit that bubbled like a frothy mold in every corner of Cambridge.

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  • Author Lily King
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    Halfway across the river I hoist myself on the wide parapet, swing my legs over the edge, and look down in the water for Quentin’s body. How does a man in Mississippi in the 1920s create a character who feels more alive to a waitress in 1997, remembered with more tenderness, than most of the boys she’s ever known? How do you create a character like that?

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  • Author Lily King
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    My voice is nothing special, but when your mother tells you something about yourself, even if you’ve coaxed it out of her, it’s hard not to always believe it. I sing to the geese. And I feel her. It’s different from remembering her or yearning for her. I feel her near me. I don’t know if she is the geese or the river or the sky or the moon. I don’t know if she is outside of me or inside of me, but she is here. I feel her love for me. I feel my love reach her. A brief, easy exchange.

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