64 Quotes by Lindsey Kelk

"Saying you liked all music meant that you didn’t love any."


"When in doubt, always compliment a woman’s eyeliner application."


"I was not going to waste any more tears on someone who had left me a note. I was not going to make myself sick over someone that thought five years could be written off in fewer than four sentences. I was not going to break my heart over someone who could break my heart and still think it was OK to take my toothpaste at the same time. I was done."


"I’d really like to write. Just write, whether it’s for magazines or books, whatever. Not necessarily deep and meaningful, but just something that someone can enjoy."


"If in doubt, cheese has been always the answer..."


"It’s OK not to be OK."


"As soon as I laid eyes on him, it all came flooding back, all the reasons why I loved him, all the reasons why I hadn’t been able to let him go."


"The only difference between a fresh start and ‘oh my god, my life is a complete failure’ is a good attitude and the right Instagram caption."


"But sometimes there’s a difference between being needed and being taken advantage of."


"But I did go back and soon I realized why. I was in love."
