62 Quotes by Lindsey Rietzsch
"I am a firm believer that when a person makes mistakes or fails to see the bigger picture, God will remove opportunities from before them."
"Failure only happens when you lose your willpower to continue trying...If we let the obstacles get the best of us then it was our choice to fail, not fate."
"The world has enough deceit, decay, and despair; be different."
"It's not about what you accomplish - it's about what you take away from your experiences and how you handle them."
"Staying true to who you are is essential to anyone's success."
"In order for us to grow we have to get our feet wet. If God put all the answers in front of us, we would never learn. We need to dig a little deeper, reach a little further, think a little harder, run a little faster, and surprisingly when we utilize our capabilities and push our limits, we begin to grow in leaps and bounds."
"Sometimes we are tested with a great idea or opportunity just to see if we will act upon it, however the timing may not be right. We are being prepared for something else down the road... When we understand that all things happen for our benefit and we trust in the Lord, then we can accept what we have termed as "failures" knowing that in the end it will all work out and we will be happy."
"Now, I don't smile because I have a perfect life or even because I'm having a perfect day - I smile because that's how I choose to deal with whatever life throws my way."
"What kind of legacy will you leave behind? What will your children and your children's children say about you? How will you be remembered? Will your life and decisions have inspired others to do better? Life is too short to postpone it - choose to be positive today."
"Confidence comes from within. You teach people how to perceive you, by your own example of how you perceive yourself. If you believe in yourself that confidence shines through and others will believe in you too."