62 Quotes by Lindsey Rietzsch
"Ask any successfully married couple what keeps their relationship alive and they will tell you, "interest." It's as simple as that."
"Forget about trying to "fix" your spouse's flaws. Instead, focus your attention on aspects and characteristics that you enjoy most."
"When we are at peace within our marriage, the effects can be astounding! We will raise happier children, become better employees, and overall find the joy in life."
"To fail at trying is worse than to fail after trying. If we never try, then we never learn."
"Don't assume that God will bless you with what you desire just because He knows your thoughts.You must ask for these blessings and act."
"The Lord knows all - His timing and reasoning is perfect. If we really trust Him, then we no longer see our failures as a bad thing. We will see them as an answer to our prayers even if we don't understand how in the moment."
"If you want something bad enough, then do something about it!"
"Once a person has declared "failure", they cease to look for the alternate open door. When in reality it was just inches away and wide open."
"You don't have to be successful on a grand scale like winning a talent competition or writing a New York Times bestseller - if you have enough small things that you can be successful at then eventually they outshine all your failures."
"What God wants for us is always what's best for us - we just need to trust Him."