229 Quotes by Liu Cixin

  • Author Liu Cixin
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    The Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction was a horrible event. Dinosaurs and many other animals and plants were killed.

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  • Author Liu Cixin
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    To be honest, before the American publication of 'The Three-Body Problem', I prepared myself for the possibility of uniformly negative reviews.

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  • Author Liu Cixin
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    I do think that science fiction ideas are best expressed through visual media like film and TV. Realist literature depicts things that we have seen in life, but science fiction is different: what it depicts exists only in the author's imagination. When it comes to science fiction, the written word is inadequate.

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  • Author Liu Cixin
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    The main difficulty is finding an idea that really excites me. We live in an age when miracles are no longer miracles, and science and the future are losing their sense of mystery. For science fiction, or at least the type of science fiction I write, this development is almost fatal, but I'm still giving it all I've got.

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  • Author Liu Cixin
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    In my youth, when I tried to plan for the future, I had wished to be an engineer so I could get work with technology while writing sci-fi after hours. I figured that if I got lucky, I could then turn into a full-time writer.

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  • Author Liu Cixin
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    Sci-fi novels are concerned with problems faced by all of humanity. Crises in sci-fi mostly threaten humanity as a whole. This is a unique and treasurable trait inherent in the genre - that the human race is perceived as a single entity, undivided.

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  • Author Liu Cixin
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    Our reality is narrow, confined, and fleeting. Whatever we think is important right now, in our mundane lives, will no longer be important against a grander sense of time and space.

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  • Author Liu Cixin
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    Like most genres of literary expression, science fiction in China was subject to instrumentalist impulses and had to serve practical goals.

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  • Author Liu Cixin
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    After the founding of the People's Republic in 1949, science fiction became a tool for popularizing scientific knowledge, and its main intended readers were children.

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