229 Quotes by Liu Cixin

  • Author Liu Cixin
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    Indeed, it is the nature of intelligent life to climb mountains, to strive to stand on ever higher ground to gaze farther into the distance. It is a drive completely divorced from the demands of survival.

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  • Author Liu Cixin
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    It’s easy to make ideological mistakes in theory.

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  • Author Liu Cixin
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    Like those proverbial bookish men who could not even tell types of grains apart, they do not labor with their hands, and know nothing practical. They.

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  • Author Liu Cixin
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    The classic images Shakespeare, Balzac, and Tolstoy created were born from their mental wombs. But today’s practitioners of literacture have lost that creativity. Their minds give birth only to shattered fragments and freaks, whose brief lives are nothing but cryptic spasms devoid of reason. Then they sweep up these fragments into a bag they peddle under the label ‘postmodern’ or ‘deconstructionist’ or ‘symbolism’ or ’irrational.

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  • Author Liu Cixin
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    The creation myths of the various peoples and religions of the world pale when compared to the glory of the big bang.

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  • Author Liu Cixin
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    Let’s turn the kindness we show toward the stars to members of the human race on Earth and build up the trust and understanding between the different peoples and civilizations that make up humanity. But for the universe outside the solar system, we should be ever vigilant...

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  • Author Liu Cixin
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    Pan-Species Communism. It’s an ideology I invented. Or maybe you can call it a faith. Its core belief is that all species on Earth are created equal.

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  • Author Liu Cixin
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    If so, I’ll just hold the umbrella up for you forever.

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  • Author Liu Cixin
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    The ETO concluded that the common people did not seem to have the comprehensive and deep understanding of the highly educated about the dark side of humanity.

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