158 Quotes by Lord Acton
- Author Lord Acton
A people averse to the institution of private property is without the first elements of freedom.
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- Author Lord Acton
Guard against the prestige of great names; see that your judgments are your own; and do not shrink from disagreement; no trusting without testing.
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- Author Lord Acton
There is no error so monstrous that it fails to find defenders among the ablest men. Imagine a congress of eminent celebrities, such as More, Bacon, Grotius, Pascal, Cromwell, Bossuet, Montesquieu, Jefferson, Napoleon, Pitt, etc. The result would be an Encyclopedia of Error.
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- Author Lord Acton
Liberty is not a means to a higher political end. It is itself the highest political end. It is not for the sake of a good public administration that it is required, but for the security in the pursuit of the highest objects of civil society, and of private life.
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- Author Lord Acton
Advice to Persons About to Write History – Don’t.
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