191 Quotes by Louis Farrakhan

  • Author Louis Farrakhan
  • Quote

    The Millions More Movement is challenging all of us to rise above the things that have kept us divided in the past, by focusing us on the agenda of the Millions More Movement to see how all of us, with all of our varied differences, can come together and direct our energy, not at each other, but at the condition of the reality of the suffering of our people, that we might use all of our skills, gifts and talents to create a better world for ourselves, our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren,

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  • Author Louis Farrakhan
  • Quote

    If there is a million, or less, or more, the meaning of this day will be determined by what we do tomorrow to create a movement, a real movement among our people.

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  • Author Louis Farrakhan
  • Quote

    Never exalt people because they're in your family; never exalt people because they're your color; never exalt people because they're your kinfolk. Exalt them because they're worthy.

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  • Author Louis Farrakhan
  • Quote

    Neither Bernie Sanders, Hillary [Clinton], nor [Donald] Trump can stop the Wrath of God that is coming down on America.

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  • Author Louis Farrakhan
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    Because he's been vilified and demonized in the press, as I have, it doesn't mean that I should stay away from a man who is doing so much good for so many people,

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  • Author Louis Farrakhan
  • Quote

    I went to the graduation the other night of my first great grandchild - he's 21 or 22; and right at the graduation I looked, and 92 percent of those who graduated at the University of Illinois were females. Where can a Black female, who are now the lawyers, the engineers; they are the ones graduating with top degrees; where will they find in a Black male a counterpart that is equal to them? We are filling the jails, we are filling the prisons.

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  • Author Louis Farrakhan
  • Quote

    I was talking about [Donald] Trump and certain things he was saying, that he wanted to go into Iraq and just "take the oil." I said he sounded like the Corleone Family from The Godfather, you know, "Let's just get it all while we got the muscle."

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  • Author Louis Farrakhan
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    I'll never violate my oath to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad to work night and day for the rise of my people. I've been at this for darn near 60 years; I'm too old now to do something different.

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  • Author Louis Farrakhan
  • Quote

    The white man is our mortal enemy, and we cannot accept him. I will fight to see that vicious beast go down into the late of fire prepared for him from the beginning, that he never rise again to give any innocent black man, woman or child the hell that he has delighted in pouring on us for 400 years.

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