28 Quotes by Louis de Montfort

  • Author Louis de Montfort
  • Quote

    For God, having given her power over his only-begotten and natural Son, also gave her power over his adopted children – not only in what concerns their body – which would be of little account – but also in what concerns their soul.

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  • Author Louis de Montfort
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    The pious and learned Jesuit, Suarez, Justus Lipsius, a devout and erudite theologian of Louvain, and many others have proved incontestably that devotion to our Blessed Lady is necessary to attain salvation.

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  • Author Louis de Montfort
  • Quote

    The greatest saints, those richest in grace and virtue will be the most assiduous in praying to the most Blessed Virgin, looking up to her as the perfect model to imitate and as a powerful helper to assist them.

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  • Author Louis de Montfort
  • Quote

    The Our Father contains all the duties we owe to God, the acts of all the virtues and the petitions for all our spiritual and corporal needs.

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  • Author Louis de Montfort
  • Quote

    Let not that man presumes to look for mercy from God who offends His Holy Mother!

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  • Author Louis de Montfort
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    Mary has produced, together with the Holy Ghost, the greatest thing which has been or ever will be – a God-Man; and she will consequently produce the greatest saints that there will be in the end of time.

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  • Author Louis de Montfort
  • Quote

    Make your dwelling and residence in My predestinated children, figured by Jacob, and not in the reprobate children of the devil, figured by Esau.

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  • Author Louis de Montfort
  • Quote

    No matter how many they may be we should go to God in all confidence and with true sorrow for our sins, saying “Our Father Who art in Heaven, forgive us our sins of thought and those of speech, forgive us our sins of commission and omission which make us infinitely guilty in the eyes of Thy Divine Justice.

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  • Author Louis de Montfort
  • Quote

    Supposing I were to give you a hundred and fifty diamonds every day, even if you were an enemy of mine, would you not forgive me? Would you not treat me as a friend and give me all the graces that you were able to give? If you want to gain the riches of grace and of glory, salute the Blessed Virgin, honour your good Mother.

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