39 Quotes by Luke Davies

  • Author Luke Davies
  • Quote

    The wonder to me is not that she made it through at all but that she made it through so relatively intact, so vibrant. So free of bitterness and so empty of resentment.

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  • Author Luke Davies
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    When you think you are in love, you don’t want to know about the things that could end it.

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  • Author Luke Davies
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    Love of my life. Love. Of. My. Life. A retrospectively absurd concept since the most I can say is that he was the love of a particular period of my life, and that it is the random vagaries of life itself, and never love, that define time limits. Meaning, to be in love and wish for its immortality is energy unwisely spent. The idea that we have any choice in the matter is the great illusion.

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  • Author Luke Davies
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    I try to tell myself I must accept certain private inevitabilities. I will live a life of continual deep fatigue, for example. I will carry in me, like a poison, like a virus, rancor for most things, and while this condition will not improve, nonetheless I will learn to live with my rancor as if it were a minor irritation. There will be many achievable things that I will not do and then there will come a time when I realize they are no longer even achievable.

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  • Author Luke Davies
  • Quote

    Always, everywhere, the world is filled with collisions.

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  • Author Luke Davies
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    There were good times and bad times, but in the beginning there were more good times. When I first met Candy: those were like the days of juice, when everything was bountiful. Only much later did it all start to seem like sugar and blood, blood and sugar, the endless dark heat.

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  • Author Luke Davies
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    All summer it feels as if it will rain soon. All summer the strange feeling, ’something will break.

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  • Author Luke Davies
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    But Murphy’s Law in the world of heroin said that if things could get out of control, then of course they would.

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  • Author Luke Davies
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    It’s not that photography recaptures the world you have been in; more that it creates a new one: photographs are like Post-It Notes reminding us of the deep architectonic forms of space and thought.

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