797 Quotes by M. Wolfe
"In recent months we have seen a number of announcements and proof of concept demonstrations from major players in the mobile and consumer electronics markets that tie the consumer's mobile devices to the home network."
"Was he a great genius? Was he an eccentric? Was he someone who was trying to raise his consciousness in a way people can't even imagine? He was on his own path and everybody gets to be their own judge listening to the stories people tell in the film."
"From an economic and a market point of view, this was never likely to be a real kind of environment-changer - and hasn't been."
"Another solid opponent will be Northwest Cabarrus right up the road, ... We're going to be playing all the county teams, but they've done a real nice job and it's always a fun rivalry. Butler is in a conference that is night in and night out very strong. We definitely have our work cut out for us."
"WFSU is incredibly lucky to offer top quality programming on FM, with a news and classical station, and on television,"
"We didn't have it. We've got to find it, and hopefully we find it (tonight) and get on a roll heading into the playoffs."
"Our members have been asking for this benefit since we began producing the online sessions, and I am pleased that our application with NASBA has recently been approved. This offering will add value to HFTP membership, and make earning educational credit more convenient for CPA members."
"From that point on, I spent four or five days a week talking to Ken Herock trying to somehow massage it and get this so first of all we don't lose him and secondly this can be an eventuality. They wanted to get rid of him and I just didn't want that thing to get cold."