29 Quotes by Maggie Shipstead
"My brother, an artist, said what he wished to convey in his paintings was a sense of infinite space. He knew this task to be impossible, as, even if a canvas could accommodate such a concept, our minds seem incapable of grasping it. But he said he believed, most of the time, that an unachievable intention was the worthiest kind.[Marian Graves]"
"I think of a seeker as someone looking for enlightenment. I mean searcher as something more open-ended, someone who's actively trying to find their way.[Vanity Fair reporter, to Hadley Baxter]"
"Memory is a drop caught in a flask, concentrated and briny, nothing like the fresh abundance from which it came.[Marian Graves]"
"...people's lives don't get preserved like fossils. The best you can hope for is that time will have hardened around someone's memory, preserving a void in their shape.[Hadley Baxter]"
"People's wishes for their own lives tend to outweigh others' ideas about how they should behave.[Mrs. Fahey]"
"We must bend in the wind sometimes.... So much is beyond our control.[Mrs. Fahey]"
"You don't really get it before it happens--how you always miss some people, you know?[Joey Kamaka]"
"We think each new romantic prospect, each new lover, is a fresh start, but really we're just tacking into the wind, each new trajectory determined by the last, plotting a jagged yet unbroken line of reactions through our lives.[Hadley Baxter]"