106 Quotes by Manoj Arora
- Author Manoj Arora
You either bend, or you break. Suppress your ego to stay happy.
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- Author Manoj Arora
The start and the end is same for all of us. We were all born, and we will all die - in the same state. It is the journey where we experience Happiness.
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- Author Manoj Arora
Not everyone who sleeps, wakes up the next day. You are blessed.Be happy.
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- Author Manoj Arora
Our own resilience, and not situations, is what we control.
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- Author Manoj Arora
Coming out of your comfort zone is tough in the beginning, chaotic in the middle, and awesome in the end...because in the end, it shows you a whole new world !!Make an attempt..
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- Author Manoj Arora
Comfort is your biggest trap and coming out of comfort zone your biggest challenge.
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- Author Manoj Arora
You can either grow or degenerate. Either of these is happening all around you, all the time. There is nothing called a "safe comfort zone". This is a convenient name depicting the process of degeneration.
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- Author Manoj Arora
Who is going to teach fighting spirit to our kids if they are growing up watching us sitting in a comfortable zone in life.We got to wake up and fight it out in our areas of passion, and be an example for our kids.
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- Author Manoj Arora
With every breath you take, someone just took their last. Stop complaining about life. It has given you much more than what you appreciate.
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