74 Quotes by Marc Levy

  • Author Marc Levy
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    Tienes la vida ante ti; tú eres su único dueño. Se digno de todo lo que yo he amado.

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  • Author Marc Levy
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    ...dime por qué nuestras grandes naciones pueden enviar legiones de soldados a la guerra, pero son incapaces de hacer lo mismo cuando se trata de salvar los niños (...). Alguna cosa ha cambiado. Para mí vivir ya no es un derecho, se ha convertido en un privilegio

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  • Author Marc Levy
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    We are short on the goal, but we believe we have the opportunity for the first time in several years to meet that goal if we can get people to respond in the next couple weeks.

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  • Author Marc Levy
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    That Norway has fallen to 18th place is not good, but you are still among the 20 best nations. The study gives a clear message about how Norway must improve its efforts. But the study also shows that the world has a major, shared problem. Even the best nations would not get better than a 'B' if this had been a school exam, no one got an 'A'.

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  • Author Marc Levy
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    In spite of data gaps, methodological limitations, and serious scientific uncertainties, the Environmental Performance Index demonstrates that environmental policy results can be tracked with the same outcome-oriented and performance-based rigor that applies to poverty reduction, education, health promotion.

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  • Author Marc Levy
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    My mother died yesterday, yesterday many years ago. You know, what amazed me the most the next day after her leaving was the fact that the buildings were still in place, the streets were still full of cars running, full of people who were walking, seemingly ignoring that my whole world has just disappeared." (rough translation)

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  • Author Marc Levy
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    Recognizing happiness when it's lying at your feet, having the will and courage to reach down and take it in your arms--and to hold on to it--that's the heart's intelligence. Intelligence minus the heart is just logic, and that doesn't amount to much. - Arthur

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