39 Quotes by Marc Ostrofsky

  • Author Marc Ostrofsky
  • Quote

    I ended up buying business.com for $150,000 because I wanted to make it a magazine. It would have been a 'Time'-type magazine: how to do business on the Internet. And I was offered a lot of money for that domain. I played two buyers against each other.

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  • Author Marc Ostrofsky
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    You might call me a tech intermediary. I know how to talk to the people in Silicon Valley and then take that information and explain it to everyone else.

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  • Author Marc Ostrofsky
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    Opportunities present themselves every day – to everyone. You just have to be alert and ready to act.

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  • Author Marc Ostrofsky
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    Relevance is a search engine’s holy grail. People want results that are closely connected to their queries.

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  • Author Marc Ostrofsky
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    Internet entrepreneurs are using technology at every level of their company – from a one-person agency to a small firm, the newest technological advances are interwoven throughout every aspect of Internet-based businesses.

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  • Author Marc Ostrofsky
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    Not long ago, the term ‘business model’ was not exactly on the tip of everyone’s tongue. Then, in the early to mid-1990s, ‘business model’ became a catchphrase that described how a company makes money or saves money.

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  • Author Marc Ostrofsky
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    Whenever one or more components of a company’s business model changes, new business models are created for supporting companies. The changes might involve niches served, new marketing angles or improved value propositions.

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  • Author Marc Ostrofsky
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    I have 5 teenage daughters, and I learned the hard way – it’s difficult to talk to any person under the age of 25 without the presence of a cell phone.

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