1,085 Quotes by Marcel Proust

  • Author Marcel Proust
  • Quote

    The variations of the Duchess's judgment spared no one, except herhusband. He alone had never been in love with her, in him she hadalways felt an iron character, indifferent to the caprices that shedisplayed, contemptuous of her beauty, violent, of a will that wouldnever bend, the sort under which alone nervous people can findtranquillity.

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  • Author Marcel Proust
  • Quote

    No doubt, few people understand either the purely subjective nature of the phenomenon of love, or how it creates a supplementary person who is quite different from the one who bears our beloved’s name in the outside world, and is mostly formed from elements within ourselves. So there are few who see anything natural in the disproportionate dimensions which we come to perceive in a person who is not the same as the one they see.

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  • Author Marcel Proust
  • Quote

    The hefty figure of M. de Guermantes was seated beside her, proud and Olympian. One got the impression that the notion of his vast riches was omnipresent in all his limbs, giving him an extraordinary density, as though they had been smelted in a crucible into a single human ingot to create this man who was worth so much.

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  • Author Marcel Proust
  • Quote

    ...her [Albertine's] intense and velvety gaze fastened itself, glued itself to the passer-by, so adhesive, so corrosive, that you felt that, in withdrawing, it must tear away the skin.

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  • Author Marcel Proust
  • Quote

    How often is not the prospect of future happiness thus sacrificed to one's impatient insistence upon an immediate gratification.

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  • Author Marcel Proust
  • Quote

    Un día que habían salvado contra su voluntad a una viuda que sehabía arrojado al agua, mi abuela me había dicho (movida acaso por uno deesos presentimientos que leemos a veces en el misterio, tan oscuro, sinembargo, de nuestra vida orgánica, pero en que parece como que se reflejalo por venir) que no conocía crueldad semejante a la de arrancar a unadesesperada a la muerte que ella misma ha querido y devolverla a sumartirio.

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  • Author Marcel Proust
  • Quote

    Oh, my poor little hawthorns," I was assuring them through my sobs, "it isn't you who want me to be unhappy, to force me to leave you. You, you've never done me any harm. So I shall always love you." And, drying my eyes, I promised them that, when I grew up, I would never copy the foolish example of other men, but that even in Paris, on fine spring days, instead of paying calls and listening to silly talk, I would set off for the country to see the first hawthorn-trees in bloom.

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  • Author Marcel Proust
  • Quote

    [...] they imagine that the life they are obliged to lead is not that for which they are really fitted, and they bring to their regular occupations either a fantastic indifference or a sustained and lofty application, scornful, bitter and conscientious.

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