78 Quotes by Marie Brennan

  • Author Marie Brennan
  • Quote

    The lack of a husband was, for some applicants, a selling point. I imagine many of my readers are aware of the awkward position in which governesses often find themselves – or, rather, the awkward position into which their male employers often put them, for it does no one any service to pretend this happens by some natural and inexorable process, devoid of connection with anyone’s behaviour.

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  • Author Marie Brennan
  • Quote

    Miriam snorted. It was not a very ladylike snort. She was the sort of woman one expected to find tramping the countryside in tweeds with a gun under her arm and a bulldog at her side, probably one of her own breeding.

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  • Author Marie Brennan
  • Quote

    There are proverbs about frying pans and fires that I might have quoted to myself, but I preferred to adapt a different one to my purposes: better the devil that would attack everyone impartially than the devil specifically looking to kill us.

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  • Author Marie Brennan
  • Quote

    The dragon within my heart stirred, shifting her wings, as if remembering they could be used to fly.

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  • Author Marie Brennan
  • Quote

    One benefit of being an old woman now, and moreover one who has been called a “national treasure,” is that there are very few who can tell me what I may and may not write.

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  • Author Marie Brennan
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    A husband willing to fund a library for his bookish wife is not so easy to obtain; most would see it as a pointless expense. You might, however, find one willing to share his library.

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  • Author Marie Brennan
  • Quote

    But my desire for knowledge was stronger than my religious sensibilities, which after all were more a matter of unthinking habit than real conviction.

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  • Author Marie Brennan
  • Quote

    I believed myself to be ready then; now, with the hindsight brought by greater age, I see myself for the naive and inexperienced young woman I was. We all begin in such a manner, though. There is no quick route to experience.

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