833 Quotes by Marie Lu
- Author Marie Lu
I've always been interested in exploring the concept of child prodigies. When I was younger, I wrote a story about Mozart as a child, and I just always loved this idea of young people who are able to take control of their lives and bring a whole lot of change at such a young age.
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- Author Marie Lu
Boys are different from girls, but boys are also different from other boys, just as girls are different from other girls. Calling a book 'for boys' or 'for girls' is well-meaning, but to me, not terribly helpful.
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- Author Marie Lu
I've seen fan art from readers that is professional-grade in quality.
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- Author Marie Lu
I went into writing 'The Young Elites' with a great deal of fear - I'd been told repeatedly that a villain's story would be far too dark for young readers to want and that no one would like my villainess, Adelina. I braced myself for epic failure.
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- Author Marie Lu
I have an obsession with describing hair. I don't know why - hair is just really pretty.
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- Author Marie Lu
I used to work in the video game industry before I became a full-time writer.
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- Author Marie Lu
Comics and animation have some of the deepest stories I've ever seen.
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- Author Marie Lu
A really fun fan moment was when a fan gave me a copy of 'Legend' that he had turned into a functional clock!
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- Author Marie Lu
Movies require so many moving pieces to align that it really is a miracle that anything is made!
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