351 Quotes by Mark Haddon
- Author Mark Haddon
Es mejor saber que una cosa buena va a pasar, como un eclipse, o que te regalen un microscopio por Navidad, que saber que una cosa mala va a pasar, como que te pongan un empaste o tener que ir a Francia. Pero creo que lo peor de todo es no saber si lo que va a pasar es una cosa buena o una cosa mala.
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- Author Mark Haddon
Sweet mother if God thought George, surely this was not going to involve him? “George”? It was.
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- Author Mark Haddon
I don’t mean that literary fiction is better than genre fiction, On the contrary; novels can perform two functions and most perform only one.
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- Author Mark Haddon
And I saw a man- go up to one of the doors of the train and press a big button next to it and the doors were electric and they slid open and I liked that.
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- Author Mark Haddon
It was a stupid, insane, suicidal idea. Which makes it quite hard to explain why I decided to help. I guess it boils down to this. Charlie was my best friend. I missed him. And I couldn’t think of anything better to do. Really stupid reasons which were never going to impress the police, the headmistress or my parents. Looking back, I reckon this was the moment when my whole life started to go pear-shaped.
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- Author Mark Haddon
I’ve come to realize that most good ideas are precisely the ones you can’t describe.
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- Author Mark Haddon
When I was writing for children, I was writing genre fiction. It was like making a good chair. However beautiful it looked, it needed four legs of the same length, it had to be the right height and it had to be comfortable.
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- Author Mark Haddon
Many children's writers don't have children of their own.
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- Author Mark Haddon
B is for bestseller.
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