148 Quotes by Mark Millar

"No, NAKED GUY'S the stupid one here, naked guy -- NAKED GUY WENT AND MADE HULK ANGRY!!"


"...but I also asked why they didn't chase their dreams. How many rock stars just settled for accountancy? How many astronauts grew up to be psychologists? Other kids were playing Mafia Wars, we were taking down the fucking Mafia and no it wasn't normal. It wasn't even close."


"Honestly, I’ve never felt better in my life. It’s like somebody flicked a switch and I’ve suddenly realized how crazy I’d been acting all those years. All that talk about interfacing with an ultra-dimensional Phoenix deity – it was absolutely insane."


"When we sit and watch a horror movie we know we're watching a horror picture and come to the story with a certain level of psychic defence."


"I wouldn't let kids near half the stuff I've written so it is quite lovely to pass these little books out to children when they visit the house."


"We've had really good mainstream publicity for these books and both Wanted and Chosen were snapped up as movie deals before each series even ended so I'm honestly just pinching myself."


"Even now, the series is nearly concluded for me, and I don't know who's right because they are both right and they are both wrong. I think if you did pick a side it would be disastrous because both the Iron Man fans and the Cap fans would be out for your blood. So (what) I'm thinking is that they are both having a good argument."


"Being the first to do something like this also registers a lot of attention that the line might not have gotten if all four books had just appeared from one company."


"Sales were stable, but they would have kept rising if we'd been out there every month and I think we'd be topping 200,000 by now."


"It's a split that relates to what we're living in now."
