40 Quotes by Mark Romel
"No man has a right to life. Life is a privilege that must be earned."
"I want to pluck the sun from the sky and set fire to the whole earth, the whole universe. I want to see all creation engulfed in flames. Everything must burn and burn forever. Especially morality. And democracy. I want to see the flesh of those creatures melting in front of me. I want to see all their corrupt bones and internal organs on fire."
"Where in the motion of the stars is morality? Does a lion stop in its tracks to weigh the moral options? Are the seas full of frothing morality, of a turbulent whirlpool of moral dilemmas? Does a shark pause to consider moral issues when it is hunting down a wounded porpoise? Where in the Periodic Table is morality? Which is the Moral Element? What is its atomic number?"
"Buddhism is a "spiritual" version of atheistic scientific materialism, science with the concepts of rebirth, karma, nirvana and cosmic consciousness added to it."
"Always push your boundaries. Always exceed what you think you are capable of. Transgress all limits. The ultimate transgressor is “God”!"
"In a democracy, every citizen has the absolute right to quote and challenge every statement made by the prime minister of the country given that all of us are affected by the thoughts and beliefs of that person. Theresa May, as has her speech reveals, has no vision, no clue, and no direction. She is wholly out of her intellectual depth, and so are all of her Cabinet, one of the most mediocre, bland, grey, and forgettable groups ever assembled."
"Then along came social media, the worst thing of all, the Cretin Unbound. Any moron could shout down Prometheus. The confederacy of dunces could descend like a pack and mock Apollo and Pythagoras. Now I’m putting an end to this circus. The clowns have performed long enough. The joke’s not funny anymore."