40 Quotes by Mark Romel
"She, that witch Julie, brought sunshine into my shadows. She was a vessel of light that had sailed down from the highest stars. In those days, I had no idea that women were made from pain. Now pain is all I know. I play music all the time. This music transforms words into tears. Agony floats on this pool of sorrow. It defies the motion of the planets around the sun."
"We need a rebirth of true democracy, followed by a transition to the meritocracy associated with Plato’s Republic. We need the most talented in charge, not the richest. We need a Sparta of the mind, a nation led by mental warriors who can change the world with their genius."
"I refuse to share the thoughts of the ordinary. I am the outsider not because they expelled me but because I expelled them! I have rejected the world. I am contra mundum. I have climbed on top of the moon and deflected the earth from its path. I have put out the fires of the sun with just one of my tears."
"There is no necessity for capitalism to be monstrous. The world has allowed this demon, this creature of Mammon, to arise like a withering Medusa in its midst, because it has refused to tackle the perennial problems of inheritance and dynastic elites serving their own interests at all times, contrary to the needs of the people."
"Poetry is finding the fewest words to capture the most complex thought. Poetry is the right word, the perfect word, the word for which no other word can be a substitute. Poetry exposes the core of an idea. It strips it bare. Everyone should be a poet. Instead, everyone is on Twitter. Even Donald Trump. Especially Donald Trump. That sums up our world."
"I can assure you, to have the carnal Holy Grail snatched from you at the very moment your lips were about to touch its rim is something that will torture your mind forever. Your wild imaginings about what you were just about to experience will haunt you until death."
"Suffering is essential to us, essential to our spiritual growth. A person who does not suffer might as well be dead, which is what Buddhism aspires to ... suffering is an indispensable part of life, without which we could never have joy. Who would turn their back on joy except a hater of life itself?"
"Moses spoke to bushes, the Buddha walked out on his wife and son, Abraham tried to murder one son, and abandoned his servant (Hagar) and other son to die in the desert, Mohammed slept with children, and Jesus Christ preached the Apocalypse. And these are supposedly our moral exemplars!"
"Prometheans are always seeking the power of the gods. They are the supreme creators, the Cosmic Engineers. They are the restless Faustians who are never satisfied ... It’s time for new gods. We ourselves shall create them. That’s what Prometheans and Faustians do."