40 Quotes by Mark Romel

"We are not on earth to choose blue iPhones rather than red iPhones. We are here to undergo the supreme alchemy ... changing from base metal into gold. We are a golden species, if we did but realize it."


"In a time of crisis, the last thing that anyone needs is a centrist position ... a position of uncertainty, doubt, compromise, no clear direction, no conviction, no purpose. We are entering a revolutionary stage that requires a revolutionary response. Revolutions always come from the left or right, and never from the centre, which is the position of stasis, the status quo, business as usual. It’s the position for the fearful."


"The task is how to restrain and limit private power in order to allow democracy to be sustained, otherwise it will succumb to plutocracy and have the mere appearance of democracy while being nothing to do with genuine democracy. This is the situation that now prevails in most capitalist democracies, which are invariably plutocracies controlled by private elites."


"Olympics (noun): A Corporate Jamboree revolving around sport. Gold medals are awarded for excellence in product placement, brand positioning, advertising, consumerism, propaganda, brainwashing, mind control, conditioning, and the creation of a false consciousness."


"The Faustians and Luciferians are those who pursue the greatest challenges of all. They seek the Holy Grail, the Philosopher’s Stone, the River of Life, the Fountain of Youth, the Tree of Knowledge, the means to turn base metal into gold. They seek to sit in God’s throne and wear his crown. Why not? He has sat there long enough."


"There are seven billion people on this planet. As many as six billion pray and meditate, and never look at a book on reason, logic and math. Imagine if, instead, these six billion people were literate in reason, logic and math. If that were the case, we would already be building starships and making Star Trek for real rather than as a TV show."


"The masses must be politicized before they can become of any use. The elite ply them with bread and circuses to keep them docile. The elite hate the idea of a politically engaged population. They want everyone to be watching TV, doing social media, and playing video games. Keep them distracted, keep them dumb, keep them useless."


"Most people are on tram lines leading straight to the grave. They live lives of spectacular mediocrity and conformity, and they are terrified of ever straying from the track. Yet the whole of real life lies away from the track."


"Time, as many philosophers have observed, is what gives life meaning. We are all up against the ultimate countdown – the terminal countdown to death. We have to do what we’re going to do in this life. The drama of our life is whether we succeed or not, yet most people are just burning up time. They piss it all way and wonder where their life went, with nothing accomplished. Don’t let that happen to you. Achieve something. Do something with your life. Get a Life!"


"The World has been replaced by the Screen. The more people look at the screen rather than at the world, the more they are in hyperreality. If you are glued to your smartphone – addicted to it – you have turned your back on the reality principle."
