96 Quotes by Mark Strand
- Author Mark Strand
From the shadow of domes in the city of domes, A snowflake, a blizzard of one, weightless, entered your room And made its way to the arm of the chair where you, looking up From your book, saw it the moment it landed. That's all There was to it.
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- Author Mark Strand
And what does it matter when light enters the room where a child sleeps and the waking mother, opening her eyes, wishes more than anything to be unwakened by what she cannot name?
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- Author Mark Strand
In a field I am the absence of field.That is always the case. Wherever I am, I am what is missing. When I walk I part the air and always the air moves in to fill the space where my body has been. We all have reasons for moving. I move to keep things whole.
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- Author Mark Strand
She stood beside me for years, or was it a moment? I cannot remember. Maybe I loved her, maybe I didn't. There was a house, and then no house. There were trees, but none remain. When no one remembers, what is there? You, whose moments are gone, who drift like smoke in the afterlife, tell me something, tell me anything.
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- Author Mark Strand
The reality of a poem is a very ghostly one. It suggests, it suggests, it suggests again.
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- Author Mark Strand
Ink runs from the corners of my mouth. There is no happiness like mine. I have been eating poetry.
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- Author Mark Strand
Once you start describing nothingness, you end up with somethingness.
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- Author Mark Strand
When I walk I part the air and always the air moves in to fill the spaces where my body's been.
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- Author Mark Strand
Even this late it happens the coming of love, the coming of light. You wake and the candles are lit as if by themselves, stars gather, dreams pour into your pillows, sending up warm bouquets of air. Even this late the bones of the body shine and tomorrow’s dust flares into breath.
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