1,051 Quotes by Martin Luther
"Fight vigorously against the wolves, but on behalf of the sheep, not against the sheep. And this you may do by inveighing against the laws and lawgivers, and yet at the same time observing these laws with the weak, lest they be offended, until they shall themselves recognize the tyranny, and understand their own liberty."
"Ако смехът е забранен в рая, не искам да отивам там."
"For feelings come and feelings go,And feelings are deceiving;My warrant is the Word of God -Naught else is worth believing.I'll trust in God's unchanging WordTill soul and body sever,For, though all things shall pass away,His Word shall stand forever!"
"Rather than walk about holy places we can thus pause in our thoughts, examine our heart, and visit the wheel promised land."
"If then, Moses so distinctly announces that there is in us not only a faculty, but also a facility for keeping all commandments, why are we sweating so much? ... What need is there now of Christ or of Spirit? We have found a passage that asserts freedom of choice, but also distinctly teaches that the keeping of the commandments is easy."
"So when the devil throws your sins in your face and declares that you deserve death and hell, tell him this: "I admit that I deserve death and hell, what of it? For I know One who suffered and made satisfaction on my behalf. His name is Jesus Christ, Son of God, and where He is there I shall be also!"
"A Christian is a perfectly free lord of all, subject to none. A Christian is a perfectly dutiful servant of all, subject of all, subject to all."