418 Quotes by Mary Roach
- Author Mary Roach
The human digestive tract is like the Amtrak line from Seattle to Los Angeles: transit time is about thirty hours, and the scenery on the last leg is pretty monotonous.
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- Author Mary Roach
Constipation ran Presley's life. Even his famous motto TCB— 'Taking Care of Business'— sounds like a reference to bathroom matters.
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- Author Mary Roach
It's called the FATLOSE trail. FATLOSE stands for 'Fecal Administration To LOSE weight,' an example of PLEASE— Pretty Lame Excuse for an Acronym, Scientists and Experimenters.
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- Author Mary Roach
Flawed as it is, Science remains the most solid god ive got. Science has the answer to ever question that can be asked.
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- Author Mary Roach
Meaning 'by way of the anus'. 'Per Annum', with two n's, means 'yearly'. The correct answer to the question, 'What is the birthrate per anum?' is zero (one hopes).
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- Author Mary Roach
Borman's dumping urine. Urine [in] approximately one minute." Two lines further along, we see Lovell saying, "What a sight to behold!
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- Author Mary Roach
There wasn't an anhydrous lacrimal gland in the room...
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- Author Mary Roach
As when astronaut Mike Mulhane was asked by a NASA psychiatrist what epitaph he'd like to have on his gravestone, Mulhane answered, "A loving husband and devoted father," though in reality, he jokes in "Riding Rockets," "I would have sold my wife and children into slavery for a ride into space.
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- Author Mary Roach
Every mode of travel has its signature mental aberration.
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