298 Quotes by Matt Ridley

  • Author Matt Ridley
  • Quote

    The police have come to resemble an occupying army who see the citizenry as the enemy.

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  • Author Matt Ridley
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    What if morality itself was not handed down from the Judeo-Christian God as a prescription? And was not even the imitation of a Platonic ideal, but was a spontaneous thing produced by social interaction among people seeking to find ways to get along?

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  • Author Matt Ridley
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    Humanity is experiencing an extraordinary burst of evolutionary change, driven by good old-fashioned Darwinian natural selection. But it is selection among ideas, not among genes.

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  • Author Matt Ridley
  • Quote

    The influence upon our intelligence of events that happened in the womb is three times as great as anything our parents did to us after our birth.

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  • Author Matt Ridley
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    Think of this: never before this generation has the average person been able to afford to have somebody else prepare his meals. You.

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  • Author Matt Ridley
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    The message from history is so blatantly obvious – that free trade causes mutual prosperity while protectionism causes poverty – that it seems incredible that anybody ever thinks otherwise. There is not a single example of a country opening its borders to trade and ending up poorer.

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  • Author Matt Ridley
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    With increasingly money-based interactions among strangers, people increasingly began to think of neighbours as potential trading partners rather than potential prey. Killing the shopkeeper makes no sense.

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  • Author Matt Ridley
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    Political decisions are by definition monopolistic, disenfranchising and despotically majoritarian; markets are good at supplying minority needs.

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  • Author Matt Ridley
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    Henry’s novel The Portrait of a Lady was written in thrall to Darwin’s idea of female choice as a force in evolution.

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