132 Quotes by Matthieu Ricard

  • Author Matthieu Ricard
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    A storm may be raging at the surface, but the depths remain calm. The wise man always remains connected to the depths. On the other hand, he who knows only the surface and is unaware of the depths is lost when he is buffeted by the waves of suffering.

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  • Author Matthieu Ricard
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    We can move gradually from total confusion, dominated by hatred and other mental poisons, to an intermediate stage of serenity, altruistic joy, and self-mastery before finally arriving at enlightenment, which will give us a true vision of phenomena’s ultimate nature. At that point, knowledge functions with an immediate certitude that transcends discursive thought.

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  • Author Matthieu Ricard
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    Altruism is like rings in the water when you toss a pebble. At first the circles are very small, then they get larger, and finally they embrace the entire surface of the ocean. – ALEXANDRE JOLLIEN.

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  • Author Matthieu Ricard
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    Loving-kindness and compassion are the two faces of altruism. It is their object that distinguishes them: loving-kindness wants all beings to experience happiness, while compassion focuses on eradicating their suffering.

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  • Author Matthieu Ricard
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    I think what everyone should be doing, before it’s too late, is committing themselves to what they really want to do with their lives.

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  • Author Matthieu Ricard
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    Nor is happiness a state of exaltation to be perpetuated at all costs; it is the purging of mental toxins, such as hatred and obsession, that literally poison the mind. It is also about learning how to put things in perspective and reduce the gap between appearances and reality.

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  • Author Matthieu Ricard
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    The world has enough for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed. – GANDHI T.

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  • Author Matthieu Ricard
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    Another form of laziness is thinking: ‘That’s not for me; it’s beyond my abilities. I’d rather not get involved with it.’ In other words, you give up the race before you reach the starting line.

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  • Author Matthieu Ricard
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    Love is the only thing that doubles every time it’s given,” said Albert Schweitzer.

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