261 Quotes by Max Brooks
- Author Max Brooks
...“La primera víctima del conflicto deben ser nuestros propios sentimientos,” fue la última frase de su propuesta, “porque su supervivencia será la causa de nuestra destrucción.
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- Author Max Brooks
Why would I want to get depressed by watching TV? I could do that just by stepping on the scale every morning.
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- Author Max Brooks
Hooking on scuba gear and blindly diving into zombie-infested water is a wonderful way to mix the two childhood terrors of being eaten and drowning.
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- Author Max Brooks
Zombies will try to scale any surface no matter how unfeasable or even impossible. In all but the easiest situations, these attempts have met with failure. Even in the case of ladders, when simple hand-over-hand coordination is required, only one in four zombies will succeed.
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- Author Max Brooks
Unlike the escapee, your team of hunters will be out during the brightest, hottest, most excruciating part of the day. Make sure each hunter is well supplied with water and antisunstroke accessories.
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- Author Max Brooks
...and that bastard Breckinridge Scott, yes, the Phalanx king, still hiding like a rat in his Antarctic Fortress of Scumditude.--Arthur Sinclair
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- Author Max Brooks
What are you, your fucking mother?" ~ Mets *SkyWatcher* World W Z
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- Author Max Brooks
No tienes que ser el puto Sun Tzu para saber que la verdadera batalla no consiste en matar, ni siquiera en herir al otro, sino en asustarlos lo suficiente para que lo deje.
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- Author Max Brooks
No sé si los grandes hombres son productos de tiempos difíciles, pero sé que pueden ser sus víctimas.
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