19 Quotes by Meg Haston

  • Author Meg Haston
  • Quote

    I think there are some things we shouldn’t accept. And living sick is one of those things.

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  • Author Meg Haston
  • Quote

    Yes, the illness took away. It clawed at family and time and the very beating of our hearts. But it gave, too. For me, it was the only way I could move through life blurry, without having to see things as they really were. It would have been too much that way, having to stare at my life head-on.

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  • Author Meg Haston
  • Quote

    It occurred to me then that maybe Wil Hines didn’t have blood in his veins like everyone else. Maybe he was made of Florida things: grains of bleached sand, sea foam, and salt. Wind and sun. Maybe he was made of the things he loved best.

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  • Author Meg Haston
  • Quote

    I think that maybe for some people, family is just the people you’re standing next to when awful things happen.

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  • Author Meg Haston
  • Quote

    We’re meant to be part of a we. Something bigger, something outside of ourselves.

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  • Author Meg Haston
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    It’s nice to see the world that way sometimes, blurred around the edges like I’ve snuck to the bottom of the ocean and am staring up at the sun.

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  • Author Meg Haston
  • Quote

    I believe, Stevie, that human beings... we’re oriented toward health. Meaning, your body wants to heal. Your mind wants to heal. If you can get to a place where you let your mind and body do what they want to do, you will start to move toward health.

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  • Author Meg Haston
  • Quote

    Death is not an exact science, which is irritating for those of us who appreciate precision.

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  • Author Meg Haston
  • Quote

    It’s a grieving process,” Shrink agrees. “When you make the decision for health, for recovery, you make the choice to let go of your eating disorder. Have any of you ever felt that that the eating disorder was almost a companion?

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