167 Quotes by Meg Rosoff
"I'm constantly snatching my books out of the hands of precocious ten-year-olds who are simply too young to read them, despite parents insisting that dear Octavia has a reading age of 28. I remember trying to read 'In Cold Blood' at the age of twelve, and realising that just because you can read book doesn't mean you should."
"I know from experience that careers do not always arise from a deep sense of destiny."
"It's a strange sensation to live inside another person's life, to wonder all the time what he is doing, or thinking or feeling."
"She frowned at him. 'You are in love with solitude.' 'Is there a better cure for the world than solitude?"
"I give thanks for all that has passed, for all that is passing, and for all that is yet to come."
"Now let's try to understand that falling into sexual and emotional thrall with an underage blood relative hadn't exactly been on my list of Things to Do while visiting England,but I was coming around to the belief that whether you liked it or not, Things Happen and once they start happening you pretty much just have to hold on for dear life and see where they drop you when they stop."
"The real truth is that the war didn't have much to do with it except that it provided a perfect limbo in which two people who were too young and too related could start kissing without anything or anyone making us stop."