58 Quotes by Megan Miranda

  • Author Megan Miranda
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    Decker went to Greece a few summers ago and showed me pictures from his trip. "Aren't these awesome?" he had said, pointing out photographs of the ancient ruins."Awesome" I agreed, but I felt dizzy. The ruins were just a reminder that what had been was no longer. That everything we are will be gone someday. That I will be forgotten.

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  • Author Megan Miranda
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    I hoped he'd take his dog and drive down to the ocean. I hoped there was still time. I pictured him sitting on the gray rocks with the waves crashing and spraying white foam. Maybe he'd hear something in the roar of the ocean, feel some limitless power, believe that there's something greater. Something more. Maybe his heaven was at the coast, with a dog's head in his lap, with nothing but water and depth from there to the horizon." -Delaney

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  • Author Megan Miranda
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    I'm not athletic and have no desire to work out, so I watch what I eat. Correction: I eat what I want and feel guilty about it later.

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  • Author Megan Miranda
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    My brain scrambled to make room for the existene of these people. Grandparents I'd never known. They went from hypothetical, empty memories to blurry, unformed shapes in my head. Dead one second, alive the next.Kind of like me.

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  • Author Megan Miranda
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    There was a small part of me that was still childish, stubborn in her hope, thinking I could somehow have everything....That I could be all the versions of me, stacked inside one another, and find someone who would want them all. But that's childhood. Before you realize that every step is a choice. That something must be given up for something to be gained. Everything on a scale, a weighing of desires, an ordering of which you want more--and what you'd be willing to give for it.

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  • Author Megan Miranda
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    I wanted to rewind. Go back. Tell Decker to take the long way around. Go back even further. Ask Decker to stay inside with me. I would have told him something important, and it would've mattered. Before all this, it would've mattered.

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  • Author Megan Miranda
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    And time standing perfectly, painfully still. It's just a thing we created. A measure of distance. A way to understand. A way to explain things. It can weave around and show you things if you let it.

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