145 Quotes by Meghan Daum

  • Author Meghan Daum
  • Quote

    L.A. is a constellation of microclimates and microcosms, a library with dozens of special collections. A 20-minute drive can bring a temperature change of 15 degrees. Crossing an intersection can feel like crossing a national border.

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  • Author Meghan Daum
  • Quote

    If anything, 'Fifty Shades of Grey' is a generic romance cynically engineered to appeal to the lowest common denominator of female fantasy.

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  • Author Meghan Daum
  • Quote

    Of the countless ways to feel old in your 40s, perhaps none is quite as perplexing as seeing a young person trendily decked out in 1980s-style garb and saying to yourself, 'I can't believe that look is back in style. It was bad enough the first time around!'

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  • Author Meghan Daum
  • Quote

    Let's face it: every campus has its share of students who can't quite comprehend that extreme political correctness is often born of the same intolerance and anti-intellectualism as standard-issue bigotry.

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  • Author Meghan Daum
  • Quote

    We use our gadgets for distraction and entertainment. We use them to avoid work while giving the impression that we're actually working hard.

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  • Author Meghan Daum
  • Quote

    We're not handed situations based on our established likes and dislikes; we get what's available.

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  • Author Meghan Daum
  • Quote

    It may take a village to raise a child, but not every villager needs to be a mom or dad. Some of us just need to be who we are.

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  • Author Meghan Daum
  • Quote

    I am weary of happiness, both as a word and as a concept.

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  • Author Meghan Daum
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    Mother's Day, like motherhood itself, is fraught with peril. There are so many ways to get it wrong, so many opportunities to disappoint and be disappointed.

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