231 Quotes by Melinda Gates

  • Author Melinda Gates
  • Quote

    The Catholic Church tries to shut down the discussion of women priests by saying that Jesus chose men as his apostles at the Last Supper, and therefore only men are allowed to be priests. But we could as easily say that the Risen Christ appeared first to a woman and told her to go tell the men, and therefore only women are allowed to bring the Good News to the men.

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  • Author Melinda Gates
  • Quote

    It is especially galling that some of the people who want to cut funding for contraceptives cite morality. In my view, there is no morality without empathy, and there is certainly no empathy in this policy. Morality is loving your neighbor as yourself, which comes from seeing your neighbor as yourself, which means trying to ease your neighbor’s burdens – not add to them.

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  • Author Melinda Gates
  • Quote

    When girls are educated and free to pursue their passions, they contribute more to a thriving society. When women have a voice, they raise it to demand a life that is greater than what they’ve been told they have a right to expect. And these demands change the future for everyone.

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  • Author Melinda Gates
  • Quote

    I purposely didn’t go into these visits with fixed views; I tried to go with curiosity and a desire to learn.

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  • Author Melinda Gates
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    Sometimes it’s the people you can’t help who inspire you the most.

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  • Author Melinda Gates
  • Quote

    Empathy allows for listening, and listening leads to understanding.

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  • Author Melinda Gates
  • Quote

    The rules that shape the lives of employees in the workplace today often don’t honor the lives of employees outside the workplace. That can make the workplace a hostile place – because it pits your work against your family in a contest one side has to lose.

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  • Author Melinda Gates
  • Quote

    Helping people doesn’t have to be an unsound financial strategy.

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