112 Quotes by Micalea Smeltzer

  • Author Micalea Smeltzer
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    Hey ya’ll, you’ll never believe what I just heard! Apparently some girl totally flipped out on the Ferris wheel.”I paled.“Oh God, it was you wasn’t it?” he looked at me and busted out laughing. “It figures.

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  • Author Micalea Smeltzer
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    You always did look like a girl as a baby. Is there something you’d like to let me know?” “I did not look like a girl,” Bryce said between gritted teeth. “I just had luscious hair, don’t be hatin’.” –Caeden and Bryce

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  • Author Micalea Smeltzer
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    I laughed. “I don’t care if you’re nice or not. I just want you to be you. No more pretending. I think it’s time we all got to know the real Logan Lyke.”“What if I don’t know who the real me is?” he asked.“Then I guess you better find yourself,” I smiled.

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  • Author Micalea Smeltzer
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    How come you didn’t win me anything?” Charlotte asked Bryce.Bryce looked at the smorgasbord of stuffed critters that Caeden had won for me. “Because babe,” he turned to her, “I don’t do clichés.

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  • Author Micalea Smeltzer
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    I found Caeden lying on my bed with both the dogs. He was talking to them and petting Archie behind his ears. It was like our own little family.

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  • Author Micalea Smeltzer
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    I felt my knees turn to jelly. I never thought I’d be one of those girls who swooned over their boyfriend but Caeden was completely, and undeniably, swoon-worthy.

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  • Author Micalea Smeltzer
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    Don’t you two dare say a thing,” she pointed a finger at us, straightening her skirt with the other hand. “Just bite your tongues.”“You look great, Lucinda.”“And you’re a liar and should have your mouth washed out with soap,” she tugged on the sleeves of her cardigan. “Nice pearls,” I pointed to her neck.“Didn’t I tell ya’ll to bite yer tongues,” Gram’s southern drawl became more pronounced when she was irritated.

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  • Author Micalea Smeltzer
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    No, no, no. No way!” I shook my head and looked at the offending black motorcycle. “I am not getting on that thing!”“Sophie, it’s a motorcycle, it doesn’t bite.”I turned my head to look at the beast. “Really? It looks like it could bite, to me.”“Please, Sophie,” he held out a helmet.I crossed my arms over my chest. “What if I fall off?”“You’re supposed to hang on to me, Soph. What happened to my mighty little she-wolf?”“She packed her bags and left,” I said.

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