112 Quotes by Micalea Smeltzer

  • Author Micalea Smeltzer
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    Thank you sensei,” I crossed my arms over my chest as she locked up the door. Gram chuckled and said, “Oh Sophie, your sarcasm never ceases to amaze me.

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  • Author Micalea Smeltzer
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    To resist the urge to kick my grandma I grabbed a roll, ripped it in half, and proceeded to slather it with butter.

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  • Author Micalea Smeltzer
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    I awoke to a loud banging noise and sat straight up. I reached for the light, not to turn it on, but for a weapon. All I could think was that Travis had killed Caeden, and now he’d come for me.

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  • Author Micalea Smeltzer
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    Pushing his black-framed glasses up his nose, he said, “Today, we’re going to start building cabinets. I’ve run out of storage areas and I thought this would be a good learning experience for you. You should see a sheet in front of you that shows that dimensions that I need. You can either make a plain cabinet or you can add detailing for extra credit. And Sophie?” He looked at me.“Yes?” I asked.“Please, I’m begging you, stay away from the power tools.

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  • Author Micalea Smeltzer
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    My she-wolf,” Caeden came up to me and kissed my cheek.“Didn’t I tell you never to call me that?” I smiled.“I seem to remember that conversation but I chose not to listen to you.”“Ah, of course,” I laughed. “Is this what I have to look forward to for the rest of my life? You not listening to me?”“Yeah, pretty much,” Caeden nodded.

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  • Author Micalea Smeltzer
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    I think he’s dead,” Caeden said. “No,” I shook my head. Caeden continued like I hadn’t said anything. “And when I get my hands on Travis I’m going to make him suffer through every unimaginable thing before I kill him. And when I kill him I’m going to make sure he begs for mercy. He hurt you and if he’s hurt or killed another member of my pack, none of you will be able to stop me.

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  • Author Micalea Smeltzer
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    It's always good to love something so much you wish for more but appreciate that it has to end.

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  • Author Micalea Smeltzer
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    Kidding?” He asked; rolling the foreign word over in his mouth like he tasted something sour. “Yeah, you know. Joking. Ha ha ha.” I said.

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  • Author Micalea Smeltzer
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    You do that, buddy, and get back to me,” Jonathon joked. I eyed the vampire and coven member. The love of my life and my friend. Could Jonathon and Isaac become friends? The idea was almost laughable. Almost. “Oh, so we have pet names now do we,” Isaac looked thoughtful for a moment, “If I’m buddy I think I’ll call you buttercup.

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