158 Quotes by Michael A. Singer

  • Author Michael A. Singer
  • Quote

    How can anyone really know anything about God? We have so many teachings, so many concepts, and so many views about God. But they’ve all been touched by people. In the end, it’s amazing how much our ideas about God conform to the different cultures from which they come.

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  • Author Michael A. Singer
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    Contemplate this, and let go of the idea of a judgmental God. You have a loving God. In truth, you have love itself for a God. And love cannot do other than love. Your God is in ecstasy and there’s nothing you can do about it. And if God is in ecstasy, I wonder what He sees when He looks at you?

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  • Author Michael A. Singer
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    You just make a game out of relaxing in the face of its melodrama. You simply learn how to release the tendency for getting drawn into the energy.

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  • Author Michael A. Singer
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    Fear is the cause of every problem. It’s the root of all prejudices and the negative emotions of anger, jealousy, and possessiveness. If you had no fear, you could be perfectly happy living in this world.

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  • Author Michael A. Singer
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    You don’t have to constantly be mulling over what you said or what this person thinks of you.

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  • Author Michael A. Singer
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    It’s really just the most natural thing in the world. Here I am. Here I always was. It’s like you have been on the couch watching TV, but you were so totally immersed in the show that you forgot where you were. Someone shook you, and now you’re back to the awareness that you’re sitting on the couch watching TV. Nothing else changed. You simply stopped projecting your sense of self onto that particular object of consciousness. You woke up. That is spirituality.

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  • Author Michael A. Singer
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    The more you are willing to just let the world be something you’re aware of, the more it will let you be who you are – the awareness, the Self, the Atman, the Soul.

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  • Author Michael A. Singer
  • Quote

    Real spiritual growth happens when there is only one of you inside. There’s not a part that’s scared and another part that’s protecting the part that’s scared. All parts are unified. Because there is no part of you that you’re not willing to see, the mind is no longer divided into the conscious and subconscious. Everything you see inside is just something you see inside.

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  • Author Michael A. Singer
  • Quote

    No matter who we are, life is going to put us through the changes we need to go through. The question is: Are we willing to use this force for our transformation? I saw that even very intense situations don’t have to leave psychological scars, if we are willing to process our changes at a deeper level.

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