424 Quotes by Michael Chabon

  • Author Michael Chabon
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    Kun katson nyt Challengerin miehistön kuvaa, en näe seitsemää hymyilijää, kaunista Judy Resnickiä enkä oikeastaan edes pienoismallia sinänsä. Näen vain piilotetut rakastavaiset, joiden kohtalot ovat kietoutuneet toisiinsa kuin heidän vartalonsa ja jotka odottavat kiihkeästi vapautuvansa painovoimasta, joka on aina pitänyt heidät maassa.

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  • Author Michael Chabon
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    As they went out of the room Rosa turned to look at Tommy and had an impulse to go back, to get into bed with him and just lie there for a while feeling that deep longing, that sense of missing him desperately, that came over her whenever she held him sleeping in her arms.

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  • Author Michael Chabon
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    Landsman has put a lot of work into the avoidance of having to understand concepts like that of the eruv, but he knows that it's a typical Jewish ritual dodge, a scam run on God, that controlling motherfucker.

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  • Author Michael Chabon
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    As any two people who have ever dressed in matching pajamas will attest, it was surprisingly effective.

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  • Author Michael Chabon
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    I thought I smelled an early hint of the mysterious bittersweet gas that fills Pittsburgh in the summertime, a smell at once industrial and aboriginal, river water and sulfur dioxide, burning tires and the coat of a fox.

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  • Author Michael Chabon
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    Can you imagine an infinite tree?...A tree whose roots snake down all the way to the bottomest bottom of everything?...if you've ever looked at a tree you've seen how its trunk divides into boughs, which divide yet again to branches, which divide into twigs, which divide again into twiglings. The whole mess splaying out in all directions, jutting and twisting and zigzagging. At the tips of the tips you might have a million tiny green shoots, scattered like the sparks of an exploding skyrocket.

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  • Author Michael Chabon
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    Moby Dick - that book is so amazing. I just realized that it starts with two characters meeting in bed; that's how my book begins, too, but I hadn't noticed the parallel before, two characters forced to share a bed, reluctantly.

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  • Author Michael Chabon
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    Every golden age is as much a matter of disregard as of felicity.

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  • Author Michael Chabon
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    That's a big trunk," James said, as we jammed in the leathery old case that looked so much like the black heart of some leviathan. "It fits a tuba, three suitcases, a dead dog, and a garment bag almost perfectly." "That's just what they used to say in the ads," I said...

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