424 Quotes by Michael Chabon

  • Author Michael Chabon
  • Quote

    A true storyteller is really good at writing himself into a corner and then finding a way out of that corner.

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  • Author Michael Chabon
  • Quote

    See you in the funny papers,” he said. Jaunty, he reminded himself; always jaunty. In my panache is their hope for salvation.

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  • Author Michael Chabon
  • Quote

    The newspaper articles that Joe had read about the upcoming Senate investigation into comic books always cited “escapism” among the litany of injurious consequences of their reading, and dwelled on the pernicious effect, on young minds, of satisfying the desire to escape. As if there could be any more noble or necessary service in life.

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  • Author Michael Chabon
  • Quote

    His bit of pencil turned up in the seat pocket of his short trousers, but as the search for the pad continued without issue a crease appeared in the boy’s domed brow. He patted himself up and down until filaments of honey floss formed between his fingertips and pockets, coating him in a gossamer down. The old man watched helpless as the boy, with mounting agitation, spun threads of loss from his palms and fingertips.

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  • Author Michael Chabon
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    While writing, I’ll go anywhere I find that is quiet, has no internet. I have a big internet problem.

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  • Author Michael Chabon
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    That’s the best thing about writing, when you’re in that zone, you’re porous, ready to absorb the solution.

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  • Author Michael Chabon
  • Quote

    Naomi was a tough kid, so much tougher than Landsman ever needed to be. She was two years younger, close enough for everything Landsman did or said to constitute a mark that must be surpassed or a theory to disprove. She was boyish as a girl and mannish as a woman. When some drunken fool asked if she was a lesbian, she would say, “In everything but sexual preference.

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