424 Quotes by Michael Chabon
- Author Michael Chabon
It was him, thirty years too old, twenty pounds too light, & forty watts too dim maybe, but him.
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- Author Michael Chabon
He felt, and not for the first time today, that he had not made a good decision in his personal or professional life since 1989.
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- Author Michael Chabon
His body had almost no hair and his naked little circumcised johnson was nearly as pale as the rest of him, white as a boy's - perhaps over time one's genitals emerge from the pots and bubbling vats of love permanently stained, like the hands of a wool dyer.
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- Author Michael Chabon
A story begins with this nebulous feeling that’s hard to get a hold of and you’re testing your feelings and assumptions, testing what you believe. They end up turning into keepsakes and mementos—like amber in which a memory gets trapped.
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- Author Michael Chabon
The fundamental purpose of storytelling is to pass the time, which is infinite, slow, and weighs heavy in our hands. When the first storyteller, having told the first story, fell silent, somebody sitting there by the fire said, "Then what happened?" and the Age of Sequels began.
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- Author Michael Chabon
Finally I reached into my pocket and flipped a quarter. Heads was Phlox, tails was Arthur. It came up heads. I called Arthur.
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- Author Michael Chabon
As long as she was falling in love with me, I might as well start making her promises I didn't intend to keep.
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- Author Michael Chabon
A smile opened, thin as a paper cut, in the bottom of Flowers's face.
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- Author Michael Chabon
[His coat] emitted an odor of bus station so desolate that just standing next to him you could feel your luck changing for the worse.
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