218 Quotes by Michael Gove

  • Author Michael Gove
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    I have a different starting premise from those 100 academics who are so heavily invested in the regime of low expectations and narrow horizons which they have created.

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  • Author Michael Gove
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    The promise to take back control of our borders. I will end free movement, introduce an Australian-style points-based system for immigration, and bring numbers down. With my leadership, it will be delivered.

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  • Author Michael Gove
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    The promise to use the money we currently send to Brussels and invest it instead on the priorities of the British people - principally in the NHS - and to cut VAT on domestic fuel. With my leadership, it will be delivered.

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  • Author Michael Gove
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    One of the things I know about the European Union is that the European Union can destroy jobs.

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  • Author Michael Gove
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    I know what it's like to see someone lose their job as a result of the European Union. I saw my father lose his job, I saw his business go to the wall, I saw 24 people who he employed also lose their jobs.

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  • Author Michael Gove
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    My father had a fishing business in Aberdeen destroyed by the European Union and the Common Fisheries Policy, the European Union.

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  • Author Michael Gove
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    If we leave the European Union, yes there will be bumps in the road, inevitably, but we will be in a better position to deal with them.

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  • Author Michael Gove
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    I think that what we have heard from the Remain campaign throughout this whole referendum have been dire warnings of the terrible consequences of the British people just taking control of our own destiny.And, the truth is, if we vote to Leave we will be in an economically stronger position. We will be able to take back some of the money that we currently give to the European Union and we can invest it in our priorities.

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