14 Quotes by Michael Markarian

  • Author Michael Markarian
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    We applaud Senators Ensign and Byrd for winning this resounding victory for horses. Senate offices received thousands of calls from constituents who love horses, and we thank lawmakers for acting decisively to end the slaughter of these American icons and trusted companions. The identical language from the House and Senate should put this issue to rest and save tens of thousands of horses from a grim and painful end.

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  • Author Michael Markarian
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    People are bonded to their pets. For people who have lost everything ... their pet may be the only comfort they had left. These policies put people at risk as well as animals, and we want the government to correct that.

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  • Author Michael Markarian
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    We will certainly not give up the fight to protect America's horses from the French and Belgium dinner plates. This points to the need for Congress to pass a permanent ban for horse slaughter for human consumption.

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  • Author Michael Markarian
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    We're very disappointed that the court is allowing the continued slaughter of American horses in violation of federal law and in violation of the clear direction of Congress.

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  • Author Michael Markarian
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    These are wild animals and shouldn't be held captive and used as production machines. Fox hunting and all it involves is a throwback to the past. It doesn't have a place in modern society.

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  • Author Michael Markarian
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    American shoppers would be shocked to learn that the little bit of fur trim on their collars or cuffs -- even if it's shaved or dyed pink or purple to look deceptively fake -- comes from real animals, possibly even dogs or cats. We are grateful to Reps. Ferguson and Moran for introducing the Truth in Fur Labeling Act of 2006, and we urge Congress to pass it quickly. Consumers have the right to make informed purchasing choices, and not to have the fur pulled over their eyes.

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